The aim of the study was to examine the risk factors for implementing the perinatal infections and their clinico-immunological features in preterm infants. A complex clinical and laboratory examination of 433 preterm infants with perinatal infections (gestational age 27-37 weeks) were conducted. Determination of the level of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-18, TNF-α run by standard solid-phase enzyme immunoassay ('sandwich'-ELISA) . Applied methods of variational, correlation, discriminant, dispersion and ROC analyses. Established risk factors for implementation of perinatal infection in preterm infants are extrage-nital pathology, obsessed by gynecological history (miscarriages), pregnancy complications (gesto-sis, anemia), the threat of termination of pregnancy, gestational age. Reliable diagnostic criteria for infection are increased level of proinflammatory cytokines and lower level anti-inflammatory cyto-kines. The correlations were identified between risk factors for implementation of perinatal infec-tions, immunological parameters, clinical manifestations that characterize the severity of the dise-ase.
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