e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Factors of maternal obstetric history in the formation of intrauterine growth restriction
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


In order to identify risk factors for obstetric and gynecological history in mothers with IUGR, we studied the health status among 315 women who gave birth to children with IUGR and 119 women who gave birth to normal anthropometric measurements. The findings suggest that birth of the first child with a body weight less than 3000g, stillbirths and spontaneous abortions up to 12 weeks in gynecological history of mothers may be one of the risk factors for IUGR. If there is several risk factors before to the pregnancy, risk of perinatal pathology increases significantly.


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intrauterine growth restriction
risk factors
history of mother bətndaxili inkişafın ləngiməsi
ananın anamnezi
risk amilləri задержка внутриутробного развития
анамнез матери
факторы риска