e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


Necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns is a nonspecific inflammatory disease caused by infectious agents against the background of insufficient local defense mechanisms and hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the intestinal mucosa. Currently, the use of infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in the treatment and prognosis of necrotizing enterocolitis has become more widespread. From the analysis of the publications received, it was found that some studies on the application of NIRS technologies were carried out during the NEC. The high sensitivity and specificity of the method has been confirmed by many authors. However, research indicates that no large-scale studies have been conducted in a large neonatal NEC population. In this case, more effective results are obtained by indicators, and it is possible to determine the adequate prospects of the method. These factors served as a basis for studies to study the effectiveness of abdominal oximetry in newborns with necrotizing enterocolitis.


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preterm infants
necrotizing enterocolitis
abdominal NIRS
claudin-3 vaxtından əvvəl doğulan uşaqlar
nekrotik enterokolit
abdominal NIRS
klaudin-3 недоношенные
некротический энтероколит
адбоминальный NIRS