e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Comparative characteristics of some indicators of unfinished newborns in the period of 44-day Patriotic War
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


The current study presents a comparative analysis of the period of pregnancy and the mass of unfinished newborns during the 44th day of the Patriotic War, which lasted from September 27 to November 10. A total of 392 children were included in the study. Included in the study were unfinished newborns divided into three groups: newborn preoperative period - 145 (37%) children; unfinished during the war - 122 (31.1%) children; unfinished after the military period- 125 (31.9%) children. Studies have shown that the war creates serious problems for pediatricians, neonatologists and public health specialists, taking a serious blow to the newborn and reproductive health. Protecting the health of mothers and children should be in the center of attention of the population living in the war-torn areas, exposed to terrorist operations of the enemy.


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gestational age
newborn weight yenidoğulmuşlar, müharibə, terrorizm, hestasiya müddəti, yenidoğulmuşların çəkisi новорожденные
гестационный возраст
вес новорожденного