e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Features of changes of QT dispersion in children with idiopathic right bundle branch block depending on age.
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


The purpose of the study was the study of parameters of interval QT in children with idiopathic right bundle branch block (RBBB). 127 children aged 3 to 17 took part in the study. Of them, 91 children with RBBB made up 3 groups: 14 children aged 3-6 years (7 boys, 7 girls), 34 children aged 7-11 years (19 boys, 15 girls), 43 children aged 12-17 years (27-boys, 16-girls), and the remaining 36 are practically healthy children of the corresponding age who entered the control group. All children were studied the following parameters of interval QT: QT aver, QT max, QT min, QTd. Studying the parameters of the QT interval is an indicator of the heterogeneity of ventricular depolarization and repolarization. This requires the inclusion of children in the risk qroup at this age.


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правой ножка пучка Гиса, интервал QT, аритмия, биоэлектрической активности желудочков. his dəstəsinin sağ ayaqcığı, QT intervalı, aritmiya, mədəciklərin bioelektrik fəallığı. right bundle branch
QT interval, arrhythmia, bioelectric activity of the myocardium