The aim of investigation is to characterize of the epidemic process of mono viral intestinal infection among children in Baku city. For this purpose 411 child patients to 18 years old entered to the childʼs hospital № 1 and № 7 with diagnosis «acute intestinal infection of uncertain etiology» have been observed for different intestinal viruses. The etiological diagnosis of the viral gastroenteritis of different etiologies(rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus) have been carried out with using of serological (ELISA and immuncromatographic method) and bacteriological method. It was determined that the mono viral intestinal infection appear among children at 134 prs. (32,6%), the mix viral intestinal infection – at 97 prs. (23,6%). Among mix viral intestinal infection the association of 2 viruses consist 21,9%, 3 viruses – 1,7%. As etiological agents of mono viral intestinal infections the appearance frequency of A group rotaviruses was 23,6%, for 40/41 serotype of adenoviruses – 29,2% and for human astroviruses – 28,7%.
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