e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
State of myocardial de- and repolarization in children with minor developmental anomalies of the atroventricular and aortic heart valves
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


152 people aged 6-17 years were examined to determine the state of myocardial de- and repolarization in school-age children with mitral valve and bicuspid aorta prolapse, which are the most common minor anomalies of cardiac development among children. Mathematical and statistical analysis of QTc, QTc max, QT c min, dQTc indicators was carried out on 12 standard ECGs of children. Although changes in both groups were less significant in young school-age children, in children 12–17 years of age with mitral valve prolapse, dQT fluctuations were noticeable due to unequal increases in QTmax and QTmi


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ребенок, митральный клапан, аорта, ЭКГ, QTc, де-, реполяризация child, mitral valve, aorta, ECG, QTc, de-, repolarization