e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
The incidence of ascariasis and toxocariasis in children, depending on the blood group
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


The results of the studies show that the risk of infection of children with ascariasis and toxocariasis in all blood groups was the same. However, after infection with ascariasis and toxocariasis, the incidence of children with blood group A (II) occurs more often than in children with blood group O (I). Therefore, we can assume that in children with blood group A (II) the specific factors of resistance against invasion are weaker than in children with blood group O (I). Therefore, among children with blood type A (II), the incidence of these invasions is more common, which requires a more in-depth special investigation to clarify the mechanism.


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Blood grou askaridoz
qan qrupları аскаридоз
группы крови