The purpose of our study was to identify the clinical features of early neonatal adaptation in children with different degrees of IUGR. According to our data, more than half of the women who gave birth to children with IUGR were between the ages of 25 and 35 years. At all at them pregnancy proceeded with complications in the form of a toxicosis of first half of pregnancy, an anemia of a various degree of gravity, threat of interruption of pregnancy, a pre-eclampsia. In 74.4% of women who gave birth to children with trophic disorders, abnormalities of labor were noted. More than 20% of children born in asphyxia, with an Apgar score of 6-7 points, needed resuscitation in the delivery room.The early neonatal period in children with intrauterine growth retardation was characterized by the following features: more than one-third of children had stable neurologic symptoms, 18% had early jaundice with an intensive increase in the level of indirect bilirubin exceeding the physiological threshold. Thus, IUGR aggravates the early postnatal adaptation of newborns, which dictates the need for a set of preventive measures in pregnant women at risk of having children with trophic disorders.
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