We conducted tests over 70 patients aged under a year (19 persons) and 51 children under 6 suffering different skin injures and affected by the staphylococcus enterocolitis. Clinical and immune methods, bacteriological sowing from skin and mucous and faeces were also included into the methods of study. Majority of children (73%) have a colonization of skin by pathogen microorganisms, among which the Golden Staphylococcus is more frequent. Analysis shows that in clinical picture of babies under a year acute inflammation changes of skin (hyperemia, edema and exudation) prevail. Later on the infiltration and dryness occur. We observe a mutual dependence between a level and specific character of the skin injures and level of colonization of the Golden Staphylococcus, as well as between the Golden Staphylococcus expansion and a level of eosinophile in the peripheral blood. Babies aged after year suffers dis-immune-globulinemia. It predisposes to the chronisation of the pathology process.
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