Mucoviscidose (Cystic fibrosis. CF) is an important problem of modern pediatric pulmonology. Prognosis is largely determined by the magnitude of the defeat of the pulmonary system. That is why the optimization of therapeutic tactics to find new effective methods of therapy is the basic strategy of patients with CF.
Hemostatic violations playing a significant role in the development of pathological process, occurrence of Microcirculatory, thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications in patients with CF little are explored.
The study of 24 patients with CF aged 6 months up to 3 years during acute illness revealed irregularities in plasma and platelet levels of the hemostatic system, the expression of which depended on the severity of the patient's condition, the incidence of lung process. The inclusion in a complex of therapeutic agents white naphthalan oil (BNM «Ağ naftalan yağı» license number 091418) in the form of ultrasonic inhalations together with heparin (200 mg per kg per day) contributes to the positive clinical effect and dynamics of the haemostasiogram.
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