The aim of the study is to determine early diagnostic and prognostic significance of neuron-specific enolase in neonates of different gestational ages with hypocsic-ischemic lesions of CNS.
Material and methods: We observed 90 preterm and 30 term babies who underwent perinatal asphyxia. According to the gestational ages babies were divided into 4 groups.Group I - 24 babies with 28-31 weeks of gestation. Group II - 36 babies with 32-34 weeks.Group III- 30 babies with 35-37 weeks.Group IV -32 babies with 38-41 weeks.
Each group divided into two subgroups (A and B).Subgroup A : Absence the structural pathology in neurosonography.Subgroup B: in ventricular hemorrhages and periventricular leukomalacia (different degrees ).
We revealed that NSE concentration reflucteded in wide range in all groups in dynamics of neonatal period. And varied related to the nature of lesion. We determined correlation link between degree of CNS leison and concentration of NSE. The results obtained showed that determination of the concentration of neuron-specific enolase in blood serum in neonates of different gestational ages can objectively and adequately assess the nature and extent of damage to the nervous tissue and HEB.
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