A reduced of nephrons at the beginning of life in small for gestational age preterm infants may be the cause of their long-term risk of renal disease. The objective of this study was to asses of the kidney linear size and renal blood circulation in small for gestational age neonates. We compared the size and linear parameters of renal circulation in 82 newborn infants with perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. All newborns were divided into 3 groups depending on gestational age. The 1st group consisted of 29 neonates born at 37-40 weeks of gestation, the 2nd group form of 25 preterm infants with a gestational age of 33-36 weeks, 28 preterm newborns with a gestational age of 29-32 weeks were included in the 3d group. Each group was classified into subgroups as appropriate for gestational age (AGA) or small for gestational age (SGA). We observed no difference in kidney size between AGA and SGA subgroups in the 1st in the group of babies born at term. Conver-sely, in the SGA subgroups of extremely pre-mature infants length and width of the kid-neys significantly lover compare to those in the AGA subgroup. Renal blood flow in SGA subgroup of the 1st group was characterized by increased systolic and diastolic blood velo-cities, as in the 3-rd group there is a decrease in the velocity parameters in the arterial and venous bloodstream. The small for gestational age preterm infants are characterized by dys-function structural and functional deve-lopment of the kidneys. Therefore, these pre-term are in the risk group of the development of acute kidney impairment.
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