e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Diagnostic value the short chain fatty acids at viral diarrheas at children of the first year of life
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


With a research objective of quantitative and qualitative value of indicators the short chain fatty acids at viral diarrheas 76 children of the first year of life were examined. 64 children have an acute intestinal infection of a rotavirus etiology, at 12 - acute intestinal infection of an adenoviral etiology. The control group was made by 30 healthy children. To all children, along with all-clinical inspections, were defined the short chain fatty acid by method of a gas-liquid chromatography. Acetic, propionic, butirat, valerian acids and their isomers, the general level of metabolites, an anaerobic index and an index of isoacids were for this purpose studied.
As a result of the obtained data, it was revealed that at viral diarrheas in comparison with healthy children certain changes are observed. So, at viral diarrheas at children, depending on an etiology of acute intestinal infection and severity of course indicators the short chain fatty acids and from isomers, the general level of metabolites, an anaerobic index, an index of isoacids changes.


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rotavirus infection
adenovirus infection
short chain fatty acids rotavirus infeksiyası
adenovirus infeksiyası
qısa zəncirli yağ turşuları ротавирусная инфекция
аденовирусная инфекция
жирные кислоты с короткой цепью