For many years, necrotizing enterocolite (NEC) and its complications is the most common newborn surgical emergency and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The pathomorphogenesis of the NEC is very overspecified and is not fully disclosed. Therapy of newborns with NEC is an area of active clinical and scientific researches.
It is obvious that the refinement of the pathogenetic mechanisms of NEC development has not only theoretical, but also applied value.In connection with the accumulation of information on this problem, it became clear that an approach only from the standpoint of identifying inflammatory and morphological changes also surgical correction are insufficient to understand the entire spectrum of changes occurring in NEC. According to the literature review we found the existence of numerous mediators of inflammation, the imbalance of which causes the development of gastrointestinal perforations in newborns. It is likely that most of the factors contributing to the progression of NEC complications are potentially reversible, especially in the early stages. The detection of early and available biomarkers from the number of cytokines, growth factors, will optimize adequate diagnostic tactics, conservative and surgical treatment of NEC and improve the outcome of the disease.
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