e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Informativity of presepsin during pneumonia in infants
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


Pneumonia is a group of acute infectious diseases due to its etiology, pathogenesis, and morphological characteristics, and is characterized by focal lesions of respiratory departments of the lungs. Recent years, inflammatory markers and cytokines determination play a key role ın the diagnosis and course of pneumonia. The most important of them is presepsin.
The purpose of the work is to assess the clinical and diagnostic importance of serum prescriptions in case of pneumonia in nursing children.As a result of the examinations, it was found that in patients with pneumonia, the level of presepsin increased compared to the control group, in group I 1470,9±119,5 (min 795,2 pg/ml; max 2857 pg/ml) 4,2 times, in group II 1044,3±67,3 (min 571,5 pg/ml; max 1943,1 pg/ml). When comparing between groups, an increase was observed in Group I. It has been established that a significant increase in the level of presepsin is proportional to the course of pneumonia in patients.


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presepsin pnevmoniya
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presepsin пневмония
екционных заб ктеризующаяся керов воспален Более важным и клинико-диагн