e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Frequency of developmental anomalies and somatic status in children born prematurely and in preschool age
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


The purpose of the study is to determine the structure of somatic diseases and developmental anomalies that develop in children born with low birth weight and at preschool age.
Research materials and methods: 98 children were examined. Of these, the main group included 78 children born prematurely and with growth retardation at preschool age.The control group included 20 children with no physical developmental delay. The main group of children was divided into 2 groups: 45 children aged 3-5 years into the first group; 33 children belonged to the II group.
When evaluating the somatic status, 17 % of the children were included in the health group II and 73 % of the children were in the III and IV groups, none of the children included in the main group were included to the I health group and were honestly differed from the control group (P˂0.05). Among the children included in the main group, the most common neuropsychiatric diseases were 79.4 %, diseases of the respiratory organ were 47.8 %, and pathologies of the endocrine system were found in 100%, and they honestly differed from the control group (P˂0,05). At the same time, diseases of the eye organ, diseases of the urinary and excretory system, diseases of the gastrointestinal system, skin diseases, and heart diseases were found among the children included in the main group.


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недоношенный новорожденный
дошкольный возраст
задержка физического развития
соматические заболевания vaxtından əvvəl doğulan
məktəbəqədər yaş dövrü
Çox az kütlə ilə doğulan uşaqlar
fiziki inkişaf ləngiməsi
somatik xəstəliklər
inkişaf anomaliyaları premature birth
preschool age
physical retardation
somatic diseases
develop-mental anomalies