e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Comparative characteristics of disease frequency detected in premature infants (2018-2020 years)
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


The purpose of the study was a comparative analysisof the frequency of disease, in preterm infants, admitted to the department of pathology of premature infants in the period from 2018-2020-years.All admitted newborns were divided into three groups. Babies with extremely low body weight, very low body weight, low body weight. The comparative analysis has shown that the leading diagnoses were centralnervous system, respiratory system disease,intrauterine infections.


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of disease frequency vaxtından əvvəl doğulanlar
rast gələn xəstəliklər преждевременно родившиеся

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