e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Identification of patients with cystic fibrosis and organization of polyclinic service
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multisystem autosomal recessive hereditary disease that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems, which leads to high morbidity and mortality. 160-170 thousand children are born in Azerbaijan every year. CF occurs in one out of every 5 thousand babies. This indicates that 30-35 babies born during the year are born with CF. However, there are difficulties in detecting these patients. At the moment, only 49 patients with CF are registered at the CF Center in Azerbaijan. The article is aimed at timely detection of cystic fibrosis by doctors, early initiation of  treatment of patients, proper organization of polyclinic services, improvement of their quality of life and assistance in prolonging their lives.


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кистозный фиброз,
анализ пота
поликлиническая служба kistoz fibroz
tər testi
poliklinik xidmət cystic fibrosis
sweat analysis
Polyclinic service