e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Результаты хирургических аспектов комплексного лечения суб и декомпенсированных форм хронических колостазов у детей
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


In 358 patients with subclinical and decompensated CHC, cardiac, clinical and radiological and additional examination complexes were carried out. Various organic causes were identified, due to anatomical, muscular and functional disorders of the distal (large intestine) LI and their results were generally assessed in the ball system. In this case, the total, over 12 points and conservative treatment is ineffective, the relative indications to the operation were determined. If more than 18 points, and revealed additional bends, lengthening, narrowing, incomplete fixation, rotation and rigidity of the LI, with clinical complete violations of the motor-evacuation function of the LI, direct indications for surgical treatment were determined. 315 (88%) patients had good results from complex conservative treatment. In 43(12%) patients, indications for surgical treatment were determined with: no effect of prolonged ongoing conservative treatment, an increase in the phenomena of chronic colonic obstruction with decompensated flow and a progressive worsening of the patient’s condition. When choosing the methods of operation, the age of the patients, the nature and localization of the pathology of the LI were taken into account.


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