The aim of the studywas to identify changes in serotonin levels during intestinal ischemia in infants prematurely born with perinatal asphyxia.The study involved 98 preterm infants, who underwent perinatal asphyxia. The control group consisted of 14 premature infants born as a result of physiological births. In this group, the severity of brain tissue damage in children was assessed by Sarnat scale. First degree damage was assessed from 1 to 13 points, second degree damage from 14 to 26 points and third degree damage from 27 to 39 points. The severity of the condition of the examined children was determined according to the NEOMOD scale in the early neonatal period. Newborns were divided into 2 groups; the first group consisted of 58 children who scored the highest score (5 points or more) in the early neonatal period; the second comparison group consisted of 40 children who scored 4 points or less.
The results and discussion. The results of the study revealed that the concentration of HBD-2 in preterm infants on the 5-7 day was 246.2-257.5 ng/g, on 14-15 days - 173.7- 206.9 ng/g, on 24-28 days - 155.2-167.4 ng /g , which indicated the development of intestinal ischemia. Serotonin levels in this group were significantly lowered. It was found that the concentration of HBD-2 was 3 times higher than in the control group, and serotonin levels were 2 times lower than in the control group. Thus, intestinal distress, which develops during hypoxic lesions of the central nervous system, causes a significant violation serotonin secretion.
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