The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of pathologies detected in premature infants in the period from 2015 year to 2017 year and to compare their level of randomization.
During the period from 2015 year to 2017 year, 4685 newborns were admitted to the department of pathology of premature infants to continue their treatment in the 2nd stage. Children involved in examination and treatment were divided into 3 groups depending on the gestational age. The first group included extremely low weight birth babies with gestational age 28 weeks and less, the second group was very low weight birth children with age 29-31 weeks, and the third group was referred to children born with a low weight birth with gestational age 32-37 weeks.
The birth asphyxia, hypoxic-ischemic injuries of the CNS, pneumonia, and intrauterine infections have been identified in the structure of the disease according to the comparative analysis among children admitted to department of pathology of premature infants.
Taking into account the functional status of the organs and systems of premature children, a special approach to the delivery process, treatment and care level, adaptive disorder, and the treatment of various pathological conditions are required. Improved adequate treatment and proper care levels can lead to a decrease in disability and mortality in children.
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