The aim of the research is to study the effectiveness of the drug recombinant interferon Alpha-2-α B (Viferon) in the complex treatment of newborns with infectious and inflammatory diseases.Under our prospective supervision there were 50 newborns with infectious and inflammatory diseases (sepsis in 16 people, local infectious and inflammatory diseases in 14 people). The control group consisted of 20 healthy infants. The levels of alpha- and gamma-interferon in the blood serum of newborns before and after treatment were determined. As a result of the study, it was found that the level of both indicators in infants with perinatal infection is consistently low (P<0.01) compared with healthy children.Recombinant Alpha-2-α B Interferon (Viferon) in complex therapy for the purpose of correction is prescribed for 150,000 BV (in the form of candles) 2 times a day for 10 days.The high clinical and immunological efficacy of the drug recombinant Alpha-2-α BInterferon (Viferon), the absence of additional side effects make it necessary to use it for the purpose of immune correction in the complex treatment of perinatal infections.
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