e-ISSN: 2664-1194     print ISSN: 2304-6554
Features of protein and amino acid metabolism in newborns with sepsis
Azerbaijan Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics


Sepsis in newborns is characterized by high mortality and is one of the main causes of disability in small children. One of the most significant factors influencing the outcome of treatment of sepsis in newborns is protein-energy malnutrition clinically associated with a systemic inflammatory response and multiple organ dysfunction (MOD). At present, the effect of systemic inflammation on protein-energy homeostasis has not been fully studied; the criteria for metabolic decompensation in neonatal sepsis and their relationship with vital laboratory parameters used in clinical practice have not been sufficiently developed. Determination of safe threshold values for clinical and laboratory parameters, protein and amino acid content in the blood in septic newborns with organ dysfunction is urgent for differential diagnosis and evaluation of treatment effectiveness. The presented literature review is devoted to the effect of protein-energy malnutrition on the incidence of adverse outcomes in newborns with sepsis and septic shock.


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protein and amino acid metabolism, sepsis, multiple organ dysfunction, newborn. protein və amin turşusu mübadiləsi, sepsis, poliorqan disfunksiyası, yenidoğulan

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